Movies, Music, The Geeky Housewife

Geeky Friday Four: 4/20/18

Welcome to my weekly dump of the geeky stuff in my life!  For the previous geeky list, click here.

I had to skip the past few weeks because #lifehappens.  Now that everyone isn’t sleep deprived/sick/going to the ER (relax, everyone is FINE), I can actually get back to writing.  Yay!

What I’m Watching: Cars 3 and Moana.

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Again.  Because I have a toddler.  Luckily, both movies still move me to tears even after I know every. single. part.

“McQueen is fading!… fading… fading…”

No, kid, Mommy is totally not crying… it’s the pollen…

What I’m Reading: My own story.

That’s the interesting way to say “Not a damm thing.”  Also the interesting way to say, I actually did start writing that story I’ve been longing to tell! And I’m already so happy about where it’s going.

What I’m Playing: A little a’ this, a little a’ that…

Related image
Ben might be my spirit animal.


Like I said, it’s been a rough two weeks, so it’s a little blurry and nothing was out of the ordinary or primarily focused upon.  Summary:

  • Settlers of Catan (Did not win)
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition (Still on first playthrough, still questioning why Orlesians are so friggen extra.)
  • Call of Duty: WWII (Smuggler’s fave. I play because I love him.)
  • Blocks, trains, trucks (Toddler’s faves.)

What I’m Listening to: Icarus by Bastille

Do you love angsty, beautiful pop music? Do you have an obsession with ancient Greek mythology?  Then do I have the song for you!  Icarus has been on all my playlists for about a week now, and I’m still not sick of it.  It’s oddly beautiful, catchy, and nerdy all at once.  *happy sigh* Take a listen below!

That’s my four for this week!  What geeky things have been in your life this week?  





Geeky, The Geeky Housewife

Geeky Friday Four: 3-30-18

Welcome to my weekly dump of the geeky stuff in my life!  For last week’s list, click here.

What I’m Watching: Jessica Jones & White Collarjessica-jones

Good news, everyone: There was one more season of White Collar than I thought!  YAY!   The Smuggler and I also started watching Season 2 of Jessica Jones, so it really just depends on our mood which one we pick.  Need something happy and more lighthearted?  White Collar.  Need fantastic storytelling and are ready for some heavy sh**? Jessica Jones.

Both shows currently available for streaming on Netflix.

What I’m Reading: Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter

grain brain

Non-fiction.  Usually, I hate non-fiction.  But this one is SUPER easy to read, has good info, and I’m hoping can help me figure out why my body hasn’t liked me at all for the last year.  I’m just a few chapters in and definitely recommend.  (The above link isn’t an affiliate or anything, just including it in case you’d like to check it out on amazon!)

What I’m Playing: Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Image result for dragon age inquisition gif

I played multiplayer for the first time last night, and that was new and fun!  I chose to be a mage, which was totally against my instinct, and ended up being rather enlightening.  Mages tend to drive me frickin’ bananas whenever I’m playing campaign, (because COULD YOU STAND ANY FURTHER AWAY?  NO.  YOU COULDN’T.) but after figuring out the fighting style I have a new appreciation for them.  It also helped me learn how to better utilize them during big campaign battles.
Also: I do not like the Fade.

What I’m Listening To: The Critical Role Podcast.

Image result for critical role cast

A bunch of nerdy voice actors playing D&D.  The show is actually streamed live once a week with a video cast, but I’m a busy mama who needs the convenience of an audio podcast.  It’s fast paced, good storytelling, fun to hear the actors interact as both players and characters, and the DM is amazing.  (Side-note: I listen with headphones in or when the kids aren’t around because of language and violence.) Perfect for cleaning the kitchen, doing chores, long car rides (again, without children listening), and it makes me laugh so hard!  Also, since I have no idea how a young nursing mother is even supposed to find a group don’t yet play D&D , this is how I’m learning to understand the game and getting my fix.

That’s my four for this week!  What what geeky things are you enjoying today?


Quickie Post, The Geeky Housewife

Quickie Post: Hidden things in Ant Man

With moving comes stress.  With stress comes the need to take a break.  With taking breaks comes seeing fun movies at our new local movie theater, which is not only really nice, but also doesn’t overcharge for tickets OR food.  (GASP!)

Seriously, our theater is awesome.  The prices make you feel like it’s the ’90s again, though the one theater with good surround sound, a ginormous screen, and reclining seats tell you otherwise.


Husband and I try really hard to make it to every new Marvel movie in theaters, mostly because it makes keeping up with Agent Carter and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. a lot easier (and more fun to see how everything ties together). So far, I believe the only ones we missed seeing on the BIG SCREEN are Continue reading “Quickie Post: Hidden things in Ant Man”

Art, Husband, The Geeky Housewife

Star Wars Cameos and a Late Valentine

In my first year of housewife-ing, I have learned a lot about how things really go when you are an adult setting up your first home.  I’m pretty sure that when I was a child, I just thought those pictures had always lived on Mom’s walls.  Of course she didn’t spend months without anything hanging there, and no way did she take two or three days to actually decide on the layout, do the measuring, and finally put a nail (or two) in the wall!
(Actually, it’s my mother.  So she probably did do these things in one day within the first week of moving.  She’s got some weird but cool superpower for decorating and getting house-things done.)

Now that my husband and I have been settled in one spot for several months, the boxes are finally starting to disappear.  A little more slowly than I’d like, but hey, disappearing boxes is a good thing, no matter how long it takes!  As we unpacked photos, empty frames that needed photos, and a few pieces of artwork, I made hanging two special paintings my top priority.

Star Wars Cameo 1 Star Wars Cameo 2

These Princess Leia and Han Solo cameos were painted by one of my best friends, and maid of honor, as a wedding shower gift to my husband and myself!  She is a fantastic artist, and I’m lucky to now own a total of three pieces of her art.  (I had another, a portrait of myself, which my mother commandeered.)  We were super excited to receive these gifts, not only because my friend loved us enough to do this, but because of the backstory to why she painted these for us, in particular.

You see, my husband didn’t say “I love you” until the moment before he proposed.

Continue reading “Star Wars Cameos and a Late Valentine”

Art, Quickie Post, The Geeky Housewife

Quickie Post: Princesses as Avengers

Want to see pretty cool Disney/Avengers crossover artwork? (Yes, I KNOW Disney owns Marvel now.  But the princesses probably won’t star in any Marvel movies, so this is still unique.)

Click on this and enjoy!

I’ve noticed that in most artwork like this, poor Snow usually ends up with the least clothing.  At least Jasmine gets a chance to wear a bit more and warm up.
