Quickie Post, The Geeky Housewife

Quickie Post: Hidden things in Ant Man

With moving comes stress.  With stress comes the need to take a break.  With taking breaks comes seeing fun movies at our new local movie theater, which is not only really nice, but also doesn’t overcharge for tickets OR food.  (GASP!)

Seriously, our theater is awesome.  The prices make you feel like it’s the ’90s again, though the one theater with good surround sound, a ginormous screen, and reclining seats tell you otherwise.


Husband and I try really hard to make it to every new Marvel movie in theaters, mostly because it makes keeping up with Agent Carter and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. a lot easier (and more fun to see how everything ties together). So far, I believe the only ones we missed seeing on the BIG SCREEN are Rainbow Road is Falling Down Thor and Oops We Actually Need Loki Out of Prison Thor: The Dark World (WHERE THE !&@*# IS ODIN? I WANT ANSWERS!!)

Sidenote: Yes, I like the Thor movies, but they are my least-favorites, mostly because I find the plots are a little too convenient, even for a super hero movie.  And Thor is kind of the dumb blonde of the Avengers,  I like everyone else from Asgard, though, especially Sif and Odin.

My favorite part of Dark World. I can just feel that brotherly love.
My favorite part of Dark World. I can just feel that brotherly love.

Getting back on topic, so we decided to see Ant Man.  In all honesty, this was the movie I had no interest in, and probably the closest I can come to claiming “someone dragged me to go see a superhero movie.”  I mean… Ant Man.  Ooh, let me quiver in fear at the name of something I can squish.

However, it was Marvel, and Falcon was in one of the trailers (yay!) so I went willingly.

And not only did I enjoy it, the movie was actually pretty darn good!  Not Iron Man good, but definitely Winter Soldier good.

In the interest of not giving anything away, I’m just going to highlight a few things I noticed in Ant Man, teeny tiny little details that won’t impact your intro to this new plot.

Agent Carter
Agent Carter

It wasn’t surprising to see a slightly-older Agent Carter in the beginning of Ant Man.  What made my little fangirl heart squeal with glee, though, was when I finally got a good shot at her left hand.  Yes, ladies and gents, there is a shiny ring or two there.  Just pointing it out, and makes me extra-excited for upcoming episodes of Agent Carter.  (You really have to look for this one.  I asked my husband if he noticed it, and he hadn’t, but I might just be hard-wired to look for such things since I’m at that age where everyone I know is getting married right now.)


Okay, so he was in a preview, so I wasn’t surprised when he showed up.  Just really, really excited.  So maybe not a hidden egg like the others here, but still really really awesome!

The bomb thingy
The bomb thingy

This was the biggest little egg, in my mind.  If you watched Agent Carter, you should remember Stark’s bomb that makes a wide area go BOOM, but drags everything into an implosion instead of an explosion.  Think like a black hole.

Well, let’s just say that something big has an imploding BOOM happen to it in Ant Man.  My hubby noticed this one.  We looked at each other and said, “Wait, isn’t that Stark’s bomb’s design?”  (Another happy fangirl moment.  That’s what gets me, wedding rings and giant implosions.)

Bottom line, go see Ant Man.  It is really fun, and definitely worth paying to go see on the big screen (even if you don’t get ’90s prices at your theater.  It’s worth a $12 ticket.)  And as with all Marvel movies, stay until the end.  THE END, not the middle end scene, you have to go through all of the credits.  ALL.  THE.  CREDITS.  If this preggo can sit through the entire movie, so can you.

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