Geeky, Writing

New Story!

It’s been a while! A lot of life changes have happened. Maybe I’ll do an update sometime soon… but it is not this day.

One new thing I’ve been working on is creative writing, including a serial story about a Dark Elf who isn’t quite as agreeable as he may at first seem. Interested? Click here to check out Dark Elf Serial! (If you wanna subscribe to that one to keep up to date, awesome, but I’m not gonna ask you to… it’s your life and blog subscriptions, you do you, dear reader!)

30 Day Challenge, Uncategorized

Honest Thanks

Honestly?  This week was rough.  Which is probably why I haven’t written when I’m thankful for since last Thursday.  I started writing a really fluffy post about what I’m thankful for, then realized while yes, I was thankful for all these great things, they weren’t the things that were making me whisper “Oh, thank god” in rough moments.  So here’s my brutally honest list of what I’m thankful for today.

-Headphones.  Specifically, bluetooth headphones.  They let me listen to Lady GaGa and Critical Role away from little ears, while also helping me keep my cool and not have my own meltdown while the toddler has one.  Win-win!

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-Coffee.  I’m down to one small cup per day for health reasons, and while it’s awful to give up the extra, it also makes me extra thankful for the magic elixir of energy and happiness.

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-Knitting and yarn crafts.  I’d be lost without giving myself little breaks over the past week to just focus on the repetitive motions of the needles and the feel of the soft yarn.  Bonus: I can now do this while the toddler plays, and he and I have some lovely conversations while I do my handiwork.

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-Naps.  This week I’ve taken some too.  Life savers.

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-My hands.  Battling eczema and other weird, painful conditions on my hands the past year and a half has made me appreciate it double when they are feeling better.

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-That my kids want to spend time with me.  I’m an introvert, so the words “Can you please give Mommy two minutes of alone quiet time?!” were uttered recently.  But overall, I am grateful that my kids love it when I hang out with them, for play, for reading, for car rides to the store.

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-For indoor heating.  Because apparently the South is skipping the normally gorgeous fall we tend to have and jumping straight into the miserable weather that is saved for the depths of February.

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-CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!!!!!  Lights, colors, garland, tree, songs, decorations, ornaments, pictures, cards, addressing, wrapping, corny Hallmark movies, I LOVE IT ALL.  BRING IT ON!! (Also, this is literally me vs. my husband every November.)                                                Related image

-Friends who are willing to listen and accept me for the broken, goofy, singing weirdo that I am.  And tell me when I’m full of it and need to calm down.  Love you people.

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And that’s my honest list for today.  Going to try to get back on the wagon and post my thanks more often!

Geeky, Uncategorized

Geeky Friday Four: 11/9/18

It has been forever since I did one of these! Ugh I can’t believe how fast this year has gone, and here I am prepping for Christmas already.  There has been a good bit of change in the geekiness since last report, so here we go.

You can check out the last installment of Geeky Friday Four by clicking here.

1. What I’m Watching: Star Trek Voyager

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I am binging this one with the hubby, and realized that it was the first ever tv show I watched in its entirety.  From when it started when I was five, I didn’t miss an episode (thanks to ye olde VHS tape recorder), and now that I’m rewatching the series for my third run, I’m reminded of just how much Captain Janeway shaped my personal goals and ideals for the woman I want to-and have started to- become.

Currently streaming on Netflix if you want to join our binge!

2. What I’m Reading: Lore Olympus

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Okay, technically I’m on some book mid-Wheel of Time, as well as the first few chapters of Outlander… but I’m stuck on those.  My attention hasn’t been ready for deep stories recently, so Web Toon on my phone, it is!

Lore Olympus is a retelling of the Greek mythological love story between Hades and Persephone, re-imagined in a modern, urban setting.  The artwork and colors are gorgeous, and the author also got all of the Greek gods personalities so spot on that my middle-school-nerd-heart is satisfied.  (aka there’s a ton of “Zeus, why are you like this” jokes spread around.)

I highly recommend this one, and you can start reading it here.  (Warning: not for kids. It’s not overly smutty, but there is stuff I’d review before letting the 17 and under crowd read.) Bonus: You can download the Web Toon app on your phone and read wherever!

3. What I’m Playing: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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finally got the game after pining for it for months, and started it Wednesday night…

…Good lord… I’m in love with this game.  The graphics, the voices, the character design, the fanservice attention to detail with the characters, especially Geralt…  it’s beautiful.
Of course, I’m also working on the DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition, so not only are my buttons wrong for everything, I’m also torn between what I should play when I sit with my controller.


4. What I’m listening to: Two Steps from Hell

If you are a fan of epic cinematic music, you need to listen to Two Steps from Hell.  There’s so much music it can literally be the backdrop to your life, and it’s all hopelessly beautiful.  The above, Blackheart, is a current favorite.

That’s it for this week!  What geeky stuff is striking your fancy this Autumn?



30 Day Challenge, Uncategorized

A Thank-filled Thursday

Today I am thankful for…

  • One-on-one time with each kid… really enjoying being able to sit and talk with the toddler while he plays and I work on crochet or some project, and I can just be with him and see his imagination at work!  And baby’s first time in a big-boy chair at the coffee shop was delightful.
  • Seeing a rainy downpour through my baby’s delighted eyes as we hurried under a hot pink umbrella.  Newsflash: walking in the rain is pretty fun when you have a tiny human in tow!
  • Having the time to practice piano and compose new songs
  • D&D having come into my life and bring with it so many new opportunities in friendships, storytelling, and songwriting.
  • having our Oma come and seeing her joy at playing with the boys
  • Baby saying his first word in German: danke!

Another day of thanks

  • Today I was thankful for…
    • Beautiful fall days that are perfect for walking
    • Cough drops
    • The rainbow I saw driving home from the store
    • Time with just my toddler where he colored and I crocheted, just talking. So happy we can get little times together during the baby’s nap.
    • Watching toddler start to get the hang of Mario Kart, and answering his questions about characters and hearing his delighted laughter through the game. (Also, so proud of myself I kept all cursing under my breath! Progress!)

    Thankful for…

    I guess it’s time to attempt and fail at making another daily list, right? I mean, we are supposed to be seven days into this “Thirty Days of Thanks” thing (or NaNoWriMo, or No Shave November…)

    I wasn’t going to add in my thanks, but I’ve had a couple really tough days in a row, so I’m going to be posting things I’m thankful for each day for a bit to help myself see the good, and share on here just to keep myself accountable (maybe?  Do y’all lovely readers actually read those kinds of posts? 😉 )

    I do want to share what I was thankful for yesterday…

    Beautiful Autumn Colors

    THEY ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!  Mixed in with alllll the green from our evergreens, but a long drive through roads lined with bright yellows, oranges, and reds was soothing to my soul.


    Rediscovered Favorite Music

    You really need to listen to music from Two Steps From Hell.   It is amazing.  I listened to it all the time when I was studying in college because it’s great epic orchestral music, the kind that makes you feel like you can do anything, but I hadn’t listened in forever and finally found some again. Current favorite song: All Is Hell That Ends Well (click to listen)

    Bonus: the music has been very inspiring to me composing and recording a little more.

    I will try to post more tonight when I have a list of what I’m thankful for today. Happy November!

    Disney World, Family

    Quickie Post: Disney in Fall, including Not So Scary!

    Quick update for y’all… Disney trip Fall 2018 is nearly done! I have lots of stories and reviews to come, and of course more pictures! In the meantime, you can also head over to my Instagram account @merrymousewife to see pics updated every day from this trip… including two parties we attended, one of which is where I met the Seventh Sister below.

    I’m happy but pooped… goodnight y’all! 😴

    Can you say “new cosplay goal?”
    Music, Uncategorized

    Original Melody: The Hanging Tree (Hunger Games)

    Years ago, before The Hunger Games movies came out, I read the books and was enamored of the song, The Hanging Tree.  So solemn, so moving.  And a melody popped into my head for it.  So, naturally, I wrote it down.  Also, naturally, I kept it to myself for YEARS.  (Bad habit I’m trying to break.)

    Well, big news, I’ve finally recorded my version and shared it on my youtube channel!  I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed creating this song.

    Family, mothering

    Quick Take: Naptime Crafts

    My toddler is in a toddler bed. Not only has this led to earlier wake-ups, this also means that I have to guard his bedroom door to make sure he doesn’t open-close-open-close-open-close it a bajillion* times when he’s “resting.”

    *actual number of times I’m positive he slammed his door one naptime

    So what’s an exasperated mama bear to do?

    Craft, of course!

    I have taken up sitting on cushions outside of the toddler’s door and either crocheting or knitting while listening to podcasts or audiobooks. So far I’m making quick progress on a crochet shawl for myself (an extra treat since most of what I make isn’t for my own use, but I love this one too much!)

    I’m using a Caron Cake I found on sale. So pretty! Hoping to have it done before real fall weather hits us.

    Happy naptime!

    Did you know you can find The Merry Mousewife on Instagram? Come check it out! Username: merrymousewife

    Or add me on Twitter: @Disney_Wife

    Movies, Music, The Geeky Housewife

    Geeky Friday Four: 4/20/18

    Welcome to my weekly dump of the geeky stuff in my life!  For the previous geeky list, click here.

    I had to skip the past few weeks because #lifehappens.  Now that everyone isn’t sleep deprived/sick/going to the ER (relax, everyone is FINE), I can actually get back to writing.  Yay!

    What I’m Watching: Cars 3 and Moana.

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    Again.  Because I have a toddler.  Luckily, both movies still move me to tears even after I know every. single. part.

    “McQueen is fading!… fading… fading…”

    No, kid, Mommy is totally not crying… it’s the pollen…

    What I’m Reading: My own story.

    That’s the interesting way to say “Not a damm thing.”  Also the interesting way to say, I actually did start writing that story I’ve been longing to tell! And I’m already so happy about where it’s going.

    What I’m Playing: A little a’ this, a little a’ that…

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    Ben might be my spirit animal.


    Like I said, it’s been a rough two weeks, so it’s a little blurry and nothing was out of the ordinary or primarily focused upon.  Summary:

    • Settlers of Catan (Did not win)
    • Dragon Age: Inquisition (Still on first playthrough, still questioning why Orlesians are so friggen extra.)
    • Call of Duty: WWII (Smuggler’s fave. I play because I love him.)
    • Blocks, trains, trucks (Toddler’s faves.)

    What I’m Listening to: Icarus by Bastille

    Do you love angsty, beautiful pop music? Do you have an obsession with ancient Greek mythology?  Then do I have the song for you!  Icarus has been on all my playlists for about a week now, and I’m still not sick of it.  It’s oddly beautiful, catchy, and nerdy all at once.  *happy sigh* Take a listen below!

    That’s my four for this week!  What geeky things have been in your life this week?