Quickie Post, The Geeky Housewife

Quickie Post: Hidden things in Ant Man

With moving comes stress.  With stress comes the need to take a break.  With taking breaks comes seeing fun movies at our new local movie theater, which is not only really nice, but also doesn’t overcharge for tickets OR food.  (GASP!)

Seriously, our theater is awesome.  The prices make you feel like it’s the ’90s again, though the one theater with good surround sound, a ginormous screen, and reclining seats tell you otherwise.


Husband and I try really hard to make it to every new Marvel movie in theaters, mostly because it makes keeping up with Agent Carter and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. a lot easier (and more fun to see how everything ties together). So far, I believe the only ones we missed seeing on the BIG SCREEN are Continue reading “Quickie Post: Hidden things in Ant Man”